(1 customer review)

Stabilize Zyme



  • Brand 2

Natural, homogenous road-base aggregate material enhancer for solid
and durable roads.

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Stabilize Zyme is a natural non- corrosive, bio-catalytic enzyme product made to enhance the bearing capacity of soils providing the desired durability of road bases, ponds, and slopes.
Stabilize-Zyme has a wide range of applications for various soil stabilization activities. For road base stabilization-for streets and highways, ponds stabilization, building pad foundation stabilization, slopes, and embankment stabilization, airport runway stabilization, parking lot base stabilization, and dust Control in Construction.

Stabilize-Zyme is generally diluted in water prior to use at the ratio of 1:50 (i.e 1 gallon of stabilized zyme to 50 water) typically 1 liter of stabilized zyme diluted in 50 liters of water completely stabilizes an area of 20 m2 at 150mm depth.


  1. Clear road base to desired width and length
  2. Remove topsoil as specified in the design and bill of quantities
  3. Prepare road base materials * Note that soil materials from within the site area can be used instead of hauling in new ones since Stabilize-Zyme alters the properties of the soil making them bond into a dense base suitable for road base use.
  4. Add the required amount of Stabilize-Zyme into the water in a water tanker with a sprayer. Keeping your eyes on optimal moisture requirements.
  5. Using the grader to prepare windrows on the road base to receive the Stabilize-Zyme
  6. Spray both the base, windrows, and sides to ensure optimal absorption and penetration.
  7. Homogenize with the blade of the grader and spread soil appropriately on the road base to the designed thickness usually 150mm layers keeping your eyes on the road camber
  8. Compact using a pneumatic roller or compactor as desired to achieve the required compaction
  9. Repeat with the next layer if required.
  10. Wait for 72 hours then lay asphaltic concrete as designed.

*Note the use of Stabilize-Zyme has eliminated the need for a stone base prior to asphaltic concrete surfacing. huge saving for the contractor and the client….
Stabilize zyme saves you money in the long run and in the short run… stretching your fund’s longer

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